Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Odyssey

The odyssey was an essay about nutrients (made of chemicals) that are passed from one organism to another. It starts out with X in the lime stone. The limestone is eventually pulled out by the tree that decays the rock. X is tuned into a flower, then an acorn. The deer eats the acorn where X is stored. The deer is eaten by an Indian. The Indian passes away and X lays in the ground waiting for the cycle again. Y begins the cycle within the water. X is represented in the soil cycle.
Bio-geochemical processes are represented by this essay.The picture below shows the processes chemicals go through.
When animals die and decompose the nutrients are passed through the soil or water. The picture below shows the simple cycle of the nutrient's host.
The moral of the essay is that nutrients are made up of chemicals that vary in geographical location. Each living thing carries chemicals that are passed on to other living things. I have nutrients that I gained from other living things such as fruit and meat. It's a cycle I am proud to be part of.

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