Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My Celebration

A couple years ago on a snowy February day, I went hiking with my boyfriend down a trail unfamiliar to us. Out of curiosity we ventured the short trail looking for deer tracks. We found a tree holding one of the most elegant predators of the North. Six feet above the ground was a frozen barn owl hanging lifeless from a large maple tree. The foot was wedged into the tree restraining the owl from escaping. I observed the owl contently to unravel the story that led to his death. I have hypothesized that the owl flew into the crack of the tree to obtain food such as a mouse or tiny bird. He hit the crack with enough momentum at the right angle to attach him to the tree. The sad but amazing observation was a prime example of natural death. Since then I have encountered owls four times. I am happy to see these creatures unexpectedly and dedicate that day to the owl whose fate turned against him.

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