Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is it alive?

The class was given objects to be wrapped up in a damp paper towel. We were given beans, finch food, paper clip,toothpick, cotton ball, rubber band , and a corn kernel. We were instructed to go outside and find plants and insects that were alive. We found some weeds and an ant. We added what we found to the previous items and wrapped all of them in the moist paper towel and placed in a baggy. We recorded the current state of each thing in the bag including air. We observed whether it was alive and now dead, still alive, never alive, or a product from a living thing. The bag sat in a sunny window sill for about a week.

When we opened up the bag, this is what we saw:

The weeds and the ant were no longer alive. The beans grew into baby plants and the corn kernels started to sprout! We noticed a webbed looking substance growing as well. I really enjoyed this experiment and plan on doing it in the future.

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