Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Seasons and the shape of the moon

Seasons are caused from the position and orbit rotation of the earth from the sun. Your weather of the particular region you live will depend on the axis you are closest to.

However the truth is distance from the sun is not related to how hot or cold the weather is.

The moon has different shapes because the light from the sun casts a shadow from earth. The shape depends on where the earth and sun are during orbit.

We showed where the moon is (time matters) in the classroom effects it's shape.

I'm not sure how correct all this is.

Friday, January 18, 2013

M&M vs the Earth

Believe it or not, a pretzel M&M can be used as a great example of the earth. The outside color part of the M&M represents the earth's crust. The second layer of the M&M (the yummy chocolate part) represents the earth's mantle. The inside of the M&M contains a round pretzel that can be used to represent the earth's core. Who knew a model of the earth could be so yummy?